Sunday, January 9, 2011

That will never change

I love you today more than yesterday. I'll love you more tomorrow. That is a plan that will never ever change.

Friday, January 7, 2011

All Natural Birth. No Meds.

If only it happened that way.

The Plan:Put off going the hospital as long as possible. Walk in mid delivery, get hooked up to all the machines and in 10 mins pop out my most wonderful daughter, head home that night, and start the rest of our life...

Time Out. Life never happens the way that we plan. God has a plan. And His plan always happens the way it is suppose to. Thank Goodness!

The New Plan: Water breaks! Head to the hospital. Never go into labor. Have a C Section. Stay in the hospital for 5 days. And now head home to start the rest of our life...

Funny that! (as my nephew Quinn says) On the other side of things, I loved our "new plan." It wasn't the way that I wanted it, it wasn't the way I was prepared for, but it is the way that the Lord planned, and that is the best.

Brenna Grace

Dear Brenna,
I am amazed at how much you have changed everything. And I would not want to have it any other way. You came early. I was so surprised. It certainly was not my plan, but I love change!

I will never forget double checking to make sure that my water had really broken.
I will never forget waking up your Daddy, and laughing as he rolled over for a split second, and then shot out of bed.
I will definitely never forget your daddy turning circles trying to gather everything up to go to the hospital.
I will never forget walking up to the hospital, knowing that in moments my life would change forever.

My ideas of how you would be born all changed, and I would never change that.