Thursday, January 5, 2012

365 Days. Every day is important.

SO I have decided that every single day is important and I don't want to forget a moment of this year. Everyday my little girl grows and changes, I don't want to forget what she looked like today. And on those really awful-I-can't-believe-I-have-to-get-out-of-bed days, I want to be thankful, and capturing a simple moment will help me to have a visual thankfulness reminder! So, here goes the first 5 days of January.

January 1, 2012: We went to the park for lunch and just spent the afternoon as family.

January 2, 2012: Grabby's b day. We went on an electric boat around the Newport Harbor.

January 3, 2012: I love bath time.

January 4, 2012: Bean Soup. After a rough day, we had a great dinner. Anything with beans is Brenna's favorite!!

January 5,2012: Disneyland. It's a Small World. With Charla, Wesley and Mary.